Thursday 28 February 2013

Fasting til tea-time... bit of a fail??? Maybe??? Or a lot...

Today I went 22 hours(including time spent asleep) with no foods, just liquids.
Then my boyfriend's mother made us tea.
I took just over an hour and a half to eat it, I didn't want to be rude cos she's a wonderful cook. I ate two chicken legs, 2 potato waffles and some beans.
I feel like a ridiculously fat cow.
It's a good job I have PE tomorrow; I can run and burn off all the calories. Plus I don't eat in school, so given it'll be more than 12 hours between now and then, I'll start burning fat right away-ish. I plan on upping my usual machine burn to 500 calories though, just to compensate. And including my 1200 i burn being alive, and the 600 I should burn from standing and walking for roughly 6 hours of the day, I think I should be alright...

Please don't be as weak as me.
Stay Strong.
Think Thin.
Be Beautiful

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