Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Tips For Refusing/Avoiding Food


1. "I'm in a rush, sorry!"
2. "I feel sick after I eat in the mornings"
3. "I'm gonna set of early, is there something i can eat on the way?" (then throw it away when out of sight)
4. "I don't feel like [insert food here] to be honest... I'll just grab something while i'm out"
5. "I'm still full from last night!"

1. "I had a huge breakfast"
2. "I'm not really hungry yet.. I'll just get a soda." (Make sure its a diet one!!!)
3. "I made plans to go out with [Insert friend's name here] for lunch in about an hour"
4. "I have a load of homework/coursework to finish, I'll get something when I'm done, shouldn't take long."
5. "I already had something about 10 minutes ago" (make sure you mention what you "ate")
6. "I'm not feeling too great, I'm gonna let my stomach settle before i try eating anything."

1. "I'm swamped with homework, can I eat it upstairs while i work?" Gradually scoop it into your bin in your room in case someone comes upstairs within a few minutes. Be a bit strange if you haven't touched it, or already scoffed it down hmm?
2. "[Friend's name] invited me over for dinner." Go to said friend's house, be sure to tell them you had dinner at home and are stuffed, in case they try to offer you anything.
3. "I'm still not feeling that great. I should be alright later, can you put mine in the microwave? I'm going to go have a lie down."
4. "I had a big lunch." Go on to describe it.

These usually work for me. Obviously don't use them too often, try and get out of the habit of being home at meal times if you live with family.

1 comment:

  1. I've heard that breakfast can boost metabolism, but if I do eat it, I burn the calories off later in the day :)


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