Thursday, 10 January 2013


Ok, yesterday I messed up. I binged like hell. I ate a fruit salad, 3 bags of crisps, and 2 chocolate biscuits. that added up to about 800 kcals, so not TOO bad, its not a disaster. I went for a long run and had my boyfriend come over for some.. fun. You'd never believe how many calories that burns! Thank god he's supportive of my lifestyle :)

There's something I've never mentioned!!!

My boyfriend (well, fiancé, but since I'm only young, you don't know that.) Dan knows I'm ProAna, and instead of nagging me, or telling me i should eat like a normal person, he supports me. He buys me low calorie food when I spend a few days at his house, if i go to eat something when I've told him i'm fasting, he reminds me and asks me if i really want to eat it. Usually I say no and shove it in his mouth. He is my walking talking thinspiration: He's 9 stone at 17, 6'1". He's beautiful. And he eats like a fat man.


But I'll make it.

Anyway, back on topic.

Fasting! Who's in???

Stay Strong
Think Thin
Be Beautiful

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