2. Put a couple of thinspo pictures in your kitchen, or if you live with family keep a picture on your phone or in your pocket. look at it every time you're tempted.
3. Reverse thinspo! Do you really need that cookie? Look what it will do to you! The cookie is evil.
4. Drink a glass of water every hour or so. It will make you feel full.
5. Electrolytes! SmartWater contains these and has 0 calories. By avoiding eating and drinking lots of water you will lose a lot of electrolytes, which will make you feel faint and hungry. Drinking SmartWater will prevent this.
6. Caffeine pills! Coffee has a boatload of calories in it, not to mention not many people can't drink it without sugar and milk/cream! Pro-Plus is cheap and available from almost every supermarket, without giving you nasty hidden calories.
7. Don't like the thought of taking pills? Monster energy - Absolute Zero, and Diet Coke have between 0 and 1 calories per can! And it still gives you the caffeine boost you need!
8. Smoke a cigarette to curb your appetite. (ONLY IF YOU ARE ALREADY A SMOKER. If you do not already smoke, don't start. The downfalls widely outweigh the benefits)
9. If you feel tempted to binge, stand in front of a full length mirror in your underwear. Poke your stomach and thighs. Still feel hungry?
10. Brush your teeth with a strong minty toothpaste. The after taste will make you want to avoid eating anything.
11. Do something disgusting. If you have a small pet, clean its cage/hutch. Watch a disgusting film like Saw.
12. Put on a sticky lipgloss. You will be more aware of things going near your mouth as you wont want to ruin it.
13. Put on a t-shirt that is too small. It will motivate you to keep going.
14. Drink ice cold water constantly. your body burns calories as you drink it to retain homeostasis (regular body temp.)
15. Sleep at least 7 hours a night. Any less than six hours will stimulate your appetite and make you feel more hungry.
16. If you find yourself about to dive into eating something, take a deep breath and count to 100. by the time you're done, you probably will have convinced yourself you don't need it.
17. Only take as much money as you need when you go out, so when you go past bakeries and fast food places you can't afford anything.
18. If you feel like you're going to binge, go to a friend's house where you can't just raid the fridge.
19. If you love a certain food, keep the wrappers after you've finished it, then smell them when you get cravings. The smell will calm you down.
20. Don't swallow! Take a bite, chew it, enjoy the taste, then spit it out and rinse your mouth out at least three times to avoid ingesting any.
21. Get a tongue/lip/cheek piercing - you won't be able to eat until it's healed.
22. Curl up in a ball when you get hunger pangs.
23. Persuade yourself you hate your favourite foods.
24. Wear a rubber band on your wrist and snap it when you feel tempted. You will soon associate food with pain.
25. Remember your goal at all times. Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.
Stay strong
Think Thin
Be Beautiful.
This is very helpful!! Thx! <3