Sunday, 24 March 2013

My rant on Alive For Ana towards Anti-Ana/Mias.

Okay so I posted a comment to all the hateful AntiAna/Mias on Alive For Ana, another blog. After reading it to myself I decided it might be good for you all to see it too! :)

"No offence is meant to anyone when I say this, but in most cases (NOT ALL.) These websites don't make eating disorders worse. Most of the tips are generally well known or wouldn't work for people who stumble upon sites such as this, because everyone's body is different. I've been anorexic for the past 3 years (Not including a recovery period) and I've become less self-concious and more comfortable with myself since finding these websites 8 months ago. in fact websites like this one gave me the confidence to start my own. We do not condone 'Wannarexia' or the bulimic equivelent, we simply want to reach out to those like us, share methods and see what makes us feel better about ourselves. These websites aren't primarily about the eating disorder. They are about the person behind. You can tell a lot from a person by the way their eating is disordered. The ones who fast for days on end but outwardly seem fine are the strong ones, the ones who believe in themselves and want to prove themselves to the world. The ones who restrict as much as they can, but snap are the scared ones. They are scared of becoming the humongous monster they believe they are. The ones who binge and purge are the weak-willed. They slip, or can't control themselves and need to find some way of righting the wrong. 
Don't judge us. Pro-ED is not promotion towards ED, its pro-activity in the disordered community, its about feeling accepted by others in the same boat."

That is what I believe about my blog at least. I do not promote Ana, I simply act within the community to reach out to those who feel alone, lost, misunderstood etc. I do not believe anyone with a ProAna/Mia blog or website should be treated in the way one commenter was treating a struggling Mia girl: "YOU CANT PURGE WITH YOUR FINGERS????? HELP ME??? YOU NEED FUCKING HELP!!!! YOU ARE GOING TO KILL YOURSELF YOU UNDERSTAND? HOW OLD ARE YOU TO WRITE THAT FUCKING PHRASE?" I found this disgusting to be honest. Yes okay, we are sick, there's no denying that. But we help one another to feel better about ourselves, and the girl just wanted advice because she was obviously having a tough time. There is no need for comments like this to make people feel worse.

I am going to add recovery links to my page as soon as I get the chance, purely because I know some of you may feel you are ready enough to make the road to recovery. I will warn you, it is so difficult. But if you are ready you will make it. I'm not ready and therefore I will stay and continue until I feel I am.

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