Monday, 1 July 2013

Dairy only diet from now until the 14th! and Photos :)

Okay so I've screwed it this weekend, not sure if I've gained or lost and to be honest I don't wanna know. I scare myself sometimes.
I'm doing a dairy only (with the odd fruit and sugar free energy drink) for the next two weeks, because I'm going to a wedding soon! I wanna look good :)
I'll keep you updated with how it goes!

Photos for the start of july <3


  1. I love your july photos! You have a beautiful collar bone and I can't wait to see more of your ribs!

  2. still got a ways to go i see

    1. You stupid fuck, she's not fat at all. So maybe just keep your insensitive comments to yourself bitch. You probably weigh 260 pounds and are eating a bag of chips right now and have nothing better to do than bring others down to make yourself feel better.

  3. Fat as fuck.

  4. Beautiful, in every form and fashion. <3

  5. You are well on your way to perfection. :)

  6. Honestly , you look beautuful right now ♡

  7. Well on your way! Congratulations

  8. I'm starting again But I don't know how to.I've been to treatment 3 times :(.. From tomorrow I wanna eat only 50 kcal a day but I don't have inspiration right now


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