Thursday, 30 May 2013


Okay I should have listened and NOT eaten the banoffee pie... No I've not gained, and it didn't trigger a binge, but I forgot what eating cream does to me... lets just say nobody can stand to go anywhere near the bathroom now... yuck. Well... my fast is going well, no solid foods (apart from a bite of scrambled egg white) since yesterday :)

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

after the pie.

I ate 1/4 of the dish I posted a picture of (which is a small bowl to begin with, can't even hold a tin of soup) of banoffee pie. that totals about 350 calories max, considering the chocolate is sugar free and the cream was low fat single - I asked my dad. Now I've had it, I'm starting my fast. I've noticed I do better if I indulge before hand, so this is my new method - I will eat something with chocolate in before I start :)
Don't try this if you think a sweet food will trigger a binge, or if you have cut all sugars out of your diet!


Soo... anyone who follows me on tumblr will know I'm currently eating a huge bowl of bannoffee pie with extra chocolate drops... i know its so bad, but its been like 3 months since I've had a proper sweet treat. I am enjoying it, since after it i'm starting a 48 hour fast. I have earned this.

Monday, 27 May 2013

Not too bad I suppose....

So I did all my swimming and walking today, and I did a bit of cycling for daniel.
Then came the food. I finished my 24 hour fast at 8pm with 3 slices of pizza. Not a particularly good choice, but apparently cycling makes me crave junk. Ah. Then I had a whole bag of microwave popcorn which was a lot healthier than I'd thought at just 140 for the whole bag (I'd expected about 300-400 before you go mad saying 140 is too much) and then a couple of digestives. This took my net up to -218. So still a negative, also taking away the 1400 ish I'll burn just being alive, I'd say that isn't too bad a total.
Doing another fast tomorrow which will NOT end in a binge - I have soup and eggs on standby.
Wanna join?
Email me:
I'm starting now, but feel free to join along the way, more people means more motivation!!! <3


I love swimming. 10 calories a minute! Yes. Please.
Anyway, I did 85 minutes of swimming and a bit of walking and so far my net is -900 and something (Can't be bothered to check the exact number) due to a 0 intake.

I have a bet with the lifeguard, if I can do two miles on sunday, he's gonna buy me a coffee when I'm dry and dressed. Haha I love my town!
I forgot to pack my underwear though, cos I had my swimming costume on under my clothes for ease. Oops. I got the bus home because when I walk bra-less, my nipples hurt. TMI, but its true - NEVER forget the rest of your clothes! Thankfully I was wearing a loose top and a comfy big jacket.

Going strong on my fast, I did 24 hours then broke with 4 bites of fish and chips, I think I mentioned that last night but I can't remember.. but yeah, I'm 17 hours in and not even hungry!

Couldn't be bothered with photo updates, I feel chunky... I'll update them when I have a better self image, so probably at the end of this fast :)

Sunday, 26 May 2013

Week off school!

Well, I'm at 8st13, 125lb. But this gain is literally because of muscle exercises that have caused a lot of muscle gain on my calves, so I'm quite happy about it.
I've had a really good day today, no drinks other than water and sparkling water. Todays total is:
one bottle of sparkling water: 0 cals
4 bites of fish and chips dinner: 71 cals.
Exercise (according to MFP) = 319 cals
Total: -248 cals :)

Happy happy!

Anyway, I have a week off school now, and I'm going swimming tomorrow morning then tidying my room, before I go and meet Daniel later. I'm looking forward to whatever weight loss may occur this week, as I tend to eat less in the holidays!

Photo updates will arrive later today.

Wednesday, 22 May 2013


Didn't do too badly today for the most part, i had two slices of ham and two bottles of water through the day, and had 4 digestive biscuits about an hour or so ago at Danny's. Less than 400 cals for the day, with a net of -200 because i did most of my three hour art exam walking around :3

Right so I've heard of this '5 Bite Diet' and its a commercial fad diet, but its basically us in a nutshell. Its what gastric bypass people are told to live like, and this is a so called 'mental gastric bypass'. Since its a commercial diet you can probably tell people about it so they won't get you to eat, that is if you are a known fad dieter like me!

it works like this:
5 bites of lunch
5 bites of dinner
all the calorie free drinks you'd like :)

I'm probably going to do this. plus you could possibly stretch it to 10 little nibbles per meal if you're being watched, then complain of stomach ache!

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

As Promised!

I said I'd show you some of my art work, so here is the stuff I found in my art folder that I liked and decided to show you all :)
^For an art project

^During my obsession with Slender... In my Maths book xD

Another art project draft

In other news, my weight is back up to 126lb *sob* but thats mostly because of my over-eating... Once I cut that habit I should be able to get back down... although for the moment, what with all my exams, I might just try to maintain... not sure

Posting on a good day :)

Well today makes a change since I've noticed I usually only update on bad days... WELL!! lets be positive eh? going to the shop in a minute to buy a can of diet coke before i go out, haven't touched carbs except for a few crackers, I've had a lot of ham though, but it has no carbs so no worries :) redid my ana bracelet on elastic so it actually can come off when I go into PE rather than me getting into trouble.. Had a lot of exams which is why my fasts have failed, I've been too stressed. I have 3 hours of art tomorrow for my art exam, whoo! I just need to do all my work in silence with no music. blah. I'll manage! so many ideas! I might upload some of my work actually... I will do. I'll post some that I already have tonight, and then some that I did in school tomorrow :)

Lots of smiles!
Still going to take my anti-depressants though, they diminish my appetite haha :)

Love you all
Stay Strong
Think Thin
Be Beautiful <3

Monday, 20 May 2013


I've realised I only seem  to post on bad days.. you must have a horrid view of me! I should start posting on good days too I suppose... Well I'm going swimming on thursday since the boyfriend is having a Lad's night without asking me if its okay to move our movie night... oh well! I'm at his friday night anyway, so it should be fine :)
I've eaten quite a bit today but I've actually felt hungry to eat it, which is good I suppose... Metabolism must be up! and I only ate til I was satisfied, no bloatedly full, just... not hungry anymore haha :)

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Swimming today!

Right well, me and Nikkii (aka, little-gap) are going swimming today. I'm eating whatever the fuck I want, its weekend and I've had my period for 12 weeks running now. I DON'T CARE I'm still gonna lose. Its simple.
I'll update tomorrow for my weekly weights and measurements, possibly photos too :)

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Not a good day..

So for the past 2 days I've eaten <20g carbs a day and <200 cals. until 5pm this evening. My friend wantedto go to the shop because she was hungry, but she didn't want to go alone. I had £3. BAD IDEA. I bought a chocolate flapjack, a pot noodle and a huge bag of cheesy crisps. Fuck. I ate it all as well. Ughh... Still kept my net calories below 500, but my carbs skyrocketed... bye bye ketosis :(
I WILL get it back.

Monday, 13 May 2013

You guys..! Just love.

Seriously, I love you lot. you have no idea how much it cheered me up to click on my account and see 173 pageviews for the day! I just can't say how much you guys cheer me up without even knowing it, so I'd like to thank each and every one of you that is reading this, you've given me the boost I need to work my ass off tomorrow, and I won't let you down. You guys, YOU are my motivation <3


Well, like I said, over the past few days I've well and truely fucked it. but, I will get back on track - eggs and ham for the next week or so :)
This picture has just cheered me up, I can see my weight loss clearly :)

Also, down to 55kg :)

Sunday, 12 May 2013


Not pleased with this weekend AT ALL.
Ate practically everything in the house. Fuck.
Starting on a fresh leaf on monday and not eating for 26 hours (Now till bedtime monday night) except for chewing gum and diet coke. Yum.

I feel like a fucking whale, and so I should. ARGH.

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Photo update time!

Well, its week number I-Don't-Fucking-Know, I've lost track haha, but here's some photos of my progress. Keep believing, keep going, and eventually it will come.

I'm 3kg down since my last photo updates, but I can't tell where its from... Oh well!!!

Hmm... Mary Kate Challenge

Period + Mary Kate Challenge = Low Mood due to low points and weight loss extreme... cool!
I've been doing the mary kate challenge for 4 days now, and I've lost 3kg (6.6lb) I'm down to 123lb, 56kg :)
I've been fluctuating a lot due to eating and period stuffs, but that was the most common weight today.

if anybody wants to try it, here's the points system:

Mary Kate Challenge
Calorie Intake:

0-200 = 10 points
201-350 = 8 points
351-500 = 5 points
501-600 = 3 points
601-750 = 1 point
over 750 = 0 points

none = 0 points
15-30 minutes = 1 point
31-45 minutes = 3 points
46- 1 hour = 4 points
1 1/2 hour = 6 point
2 hours = 8 points
2 1/2 hours = 9 points
3 or more hours = 10 points

0 glasses = 0 points
1 glasses = 1 point
2 glasses = 2 points
3 glasses = 3 points
4 glasses = 4 points
5 glasses = 6 points
6 glasses = 7 points
7 glasses = 8 points
8 glasses = 9 points
9 glasses or more= 10 points

8 or more hours = 10 points
7 hours = 8 points
6 hours = 7 points
5 hours = 5 points
4 hours = 4 points
3 hours = 2 points
2 hours or less = 0 points

add up your total points each and every day, then add them at the end of the week. try and get more points each week, or as close to 280 (The max weekly total) that you can :)

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Its that time again...

I won't be weighing myself for the next week, nor will I be fasting, or sticking to any set diet. I will be restricting, as usual, but its that time of the month, and I'm anaemic so I'm going to need the meat and protein and shit like that... I altogether feel like crap to be honest. Hence why I haven't updated in a while, I just feel shitty.

Friday, 3 May 2013

Weigh in :) and suggestions?

Well, considering I had a crappy few days and I've been feeling like shit, I'm quite proud. I've gone back down past GW1, to 126 lb! Thats the lowest I've been!

Also, I'm considering making a recipes page, but I don't know that many recipes D:
If you lovely ladies could help by emailing me suggestions, I'll credit you and link your blog :)

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Today has been.. Eventful.

Well, today I saw my cousin for the first time in ages and we just sat and smoked for like half an hour! Haha we're so lame. Oh well!
Weighed myself today, however I was in a rush this morning so it isn't very accurate. But considering I was 9 stone 1 lb last time I weighed, and I've binged like fuck since then, 9 stone 3 after a day of eating pretty regularly and drinking shitloads of water isn't that bad. I'll stick at a veggies only diet for the next few days.

I finally got round to making my ana bracelet!! It has one blue bead in it, since I have tiny mia tendencies (Lax and enemas, I can't make myself vomit cos I absolutely cannot get up more than a few tiny chunks) and one very dark red bead that looks black, since I do punch myself when I eat too much..

Here it is:

and also, collarbones. I'm determined to make these better!!!

 Now, have some thinspo x