Thursday, 28 February 2013

Fasting til tea-time... bit of a fail??? Maybe??? Or a lot...

Today I went 22 hours(including time spent asleep) with no foods, just liquids.
Then my boyfriend's mother made us tea.
I took just over an hour and a half to eat it, I didn't want to be rude cos she's a wonderful cook. I ate two chicken legs, 2 potato waffles and some beans.
I feel like a ridiculously fat cow.
It's a good job I have PE tomorrow; I can run and burn off all the calories. Plus I don't eat in school, so given it'll be more than 12 hours between now and then, I'll start burning fat right away-ish. I plan on upping my usual machine burn to 500 calories though, just to compensate. And including my 1200 i burn being alive, and the 600 I should burn from standing and walking for roughly 6 hours of the day, I think I should be alright...

Please don't be as weak as me.
Stay Strong.
Think Thin.
Be Beautiful

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Good and bad news...

My good news is: My biology teacher, thinking I'm on a healthy weight-loss diet, is fully supporting my will to burn calories in class by constantly standing up and walking around! If we aren't doing an exam or silent work he lets me do my work whilst standing, and when jobs that involve going to other classrooms, or the office, need doing he asks me :)
Bad news: My boyfriend gave me head-lice. Thankfully since he is the only person I allow to come within 3 feet of me, I won't have passed them on to anyone. I've now treated both of us with a now recalled solution that got us really giddy and has severely dampened my appetite, which is good. But said recalled solution has given me a headache worth crying about... Now I know why it isn't sold anymore... But we're nit free, and I'm going to check his hair again tomorrow so I don't get them again...

I stayed under 500 calories this evening and as I did a 36 hour fast between yesterday's biscuits and today's tea and ice cream, I'm quite proud of my progress!

Stay Strong
Think Thin
Be Beautiful <3

Weighed in!

Okay so, I'm now 62kg, otherwise known as 136lb :) Well pleased!
And because of this I kind of went against one of my rules "You are not a dog, do not reward yourself with food" but it was a 152Calorie ice cream, after half an hour of sex, so it did me a world of good after a 48 hour fast <3

And now, Thinspo.

Stay Strong
Think Think
Be Beautiful <3

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Really happy with today :)

Today I ate my one and only love: nutrigrain breakfast biscuits.
And nothing else! 
I'm really quite proud of that, not to mention I burned 400 calories, more than double the amount in the biscuits, walking, and running in the gym!

And I'm back down to 136lb, not a good weight at all but still better than before!!!

My tips for the day:
Keep yourself busy. the more you enjoy what you'redoing the less likely you are to let food interrupt it!
Brush your teeth every 12 hours. so if you brush them at 8 in the morning, brush them at 8 at night, etc. food is only allowed 1 hour after the morning, and one hour before the night, so if you keep at it like that you'll have effectively fasted in total for 7 months of the year! Also, an hour after your morning brush you'll most likely be in school or college, and you can't eat in class can you?
Keep your break and lunch hours busy: go to revision classes, do your homework, draw something, whatever it takes to keep you occupied.
Go out for most of the evening! You'll be distracted because you'll be having fun, and you'll be away from your own kitchen so you won't be able to eat mindlessly!

Stay Strong
Think Thin
Be Beautiful x

Monday, 25 February 2013

I think I did really well today, until dinner I kept it below 300 calories, and then had half a chicken burger with lettuce and no mayonaisse. I didn't really have much of the bread either i just chucked most of it, then gave the other half of the burger to the boyfriend.

Although I did get made to feel guilty for the burger, even though i'd kept below 600 calories for the whole day. and got chucked out of a 'mates' house.. yeah bit of a tough day..

But I am strong! And I vow to stay this strong until my thighs are thin, my belly is flat and my hips are showing!

Sunday, 24 February 2013

Oh god...

Okay I screwed up BIG time. I don't mean I ate a bit more than I should have..
I got high and full out binged. Cake, Crisps, Ice Cream, Sandwiches and Jaffacakes.
I feel disgusting!!!!
I ran 3 miles, jumped rope for 15 minutes and did 250 starjumps, and I'm doing a 48 hour fast to compensate..
Comment and tell me about your latest screw-ups and how you helped to fix it? Comments are allowed anonymously! I'd love to hear your opinions and I will always reply within a day! <3

Saturday, 23 February 2013

Daily progress

Did well today, had about 20 prawn crackers, 20 chocolate buttons, and a slim fast.
In total, below 500 calories.
I feel really good about that to be honest, and I hope I can do it tomorrow, and the day after etc.
I also did a lot of walking around the shopping center and a bit of running, probably gonna do some jump-rope later too.

Tomorrow I plan on having a 20 minute cold shower in the morning to burn some extra calories.

Good luck with your plans ladies!!! <3

Friday, 22 February 2013


Well, my planned out diet from earlier kinda backfired... 
got home from school, and instead of a banana, i had:
an ice cream
2 pieces of carrot cake WITH the buttercream
a nutella sandwich
and about 60g of teriyaki turkey.

I feel horrible. 

I haven't eaten since then, i worked my ass off jump-roping, doing squats and press ups for an hour, after getting home from walking about for 2 hours with the boyfriend.

I feel a little better but plan on fasting tomorrow.

Today's food plan!

Nice to see you again!
Right, so to start with, I have PE today in the gym, which means I'll be running a lot on the cross trainers and treadmills. I usually burn in excess of 400 calories in the 45 minute session!

So my food today will be:

breakfast (8.30) - 2 nutrigrain biscuits
               (9.30) - glass of water
Snack   (10.30) - 2 nutrigrain biscuits
Lunch    (12.30) - 1 pack of squares
                          - glass of water
Snack     (3.30)  - banana
Dinner     (5.30)  - tomato soup

Wish me luck, and good luck yourselves! <3
Stay Strong
Think Thin
Be Beautiful

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Pro Ana Calorie Tips and My Progress

Hello my lovely fellow ana ladies!
I hate to admit this, but i have failed you two days in a row... I always do so brilliantly until I go home...
I went through the day eating my usual nutrigrain biscuits, and a banana. today though instead of my hula hoops, i had a creamy yoghurt, 179 calories, add that to the 189 from the nutrigrain and the 100 from my banana and thats 448.

Then when I got home from school, I had a packet of squares crisps, which are 97 calories. That makes 545.

THEN after walking around for about 4 hours trying to find my AWOL boyfriend who'd left his phone off (turns out he was at my house the entire time - 5 miles away from where I was. Dope.) I ate 3/4 of a 495 calorie ham and cheese panini, which adds up to about 380, too annoyed to do the maths right now. Thats a 925 total.


1125 for the day.

Its partly my dad's fault, he know's I'm trying to watch my weight and just buys more and more fatty foods!

But, I can't get too down, i walked at a 3.3mph average for 4 hours, paced at a 2.5mph average for 3 hours and stood on buses for 2 hours (I refuse to sit on buses. Fidgity standing can burn upto 80 calories an hour, and a calorie is a calorie.) SO. My net calories for the day should in reality total: 645..

I guess considering how much I did actually eat and the fact I didn't do intentional exercise (I'm too tired today. That time of the month.. 3rd time in 3 weeks. Kill me.) I didn't actually do too badly.. I'll just be sure to plan out my food tomorrow.

I have a new idea. If you're like me and tend to go off track with stress, instead of just planning out your food for the day, take it out with you and don't go home until really close to bedtime and make sure you're really run down. You'll just want to go upstairs (where there should be no food) and relax.

Anyway my darlings! Tips for the day!

1. Don't eat before 7am or after 7pm, between these hours at night is when your metabolism is at its slowest!

2. Don't eat after exercise until your afterburn has faded, you want the extra metabolism to burn fat calories, not food calories!

3. Turn off the hot water when you have a shower: ten minutes in a cold shower will lower your body temperature by 1 degree celcius, and your body will burn upto 200 calories to get your temperature back to normal! a 40-60 minute shower can burn around 800 calories!

4. Got a sexual partner? Get it on! Sex can burn an average of 300 calories in a half hour session, depending on the....intensity???

5. Eat little and often. a 50-100 calorie 'meal' every 3 hours can keep your metabolism, blood sugar and digestion in a good state!

6. Carbs are the enemy! stick to low or no carb food choices!

7. Hunger is not your enemy, however hunger pangs can be! suck on a peppermint or take peppermint oil to treat hunger pangs. It also neutralises stomach acid and prevents heartburn.

8. CARDIO. For all you lovelies that want a thigh gap and do leg muscle exercises to do so, STOP. You're just pushing yourself further away! don't target the muscle, target the fat! And the only way you can do this is with cardio!

Hope these helped!!!
Stay Strong
Think Thin
Be Beautiful <3

How To Avoid Starvation Mode!

Right, you all know i'm sure that if you eat too few calories your body goes into starvation mode? Well I've just got myself out of it! and i'm still eating a net worth of roughly 100-600 calories aa day (excluding the ones i burned off)

First, don't eat the same amount of calories each day. eat about 600-800 one day, then 200-400 the next, 400-600 the next, just mix it up. Don't give your body any expectations of how much you will eat.

Second, and this is probably the one that many of you will find unbelievable. I did at first too!
Eat something small (10-60 calories) every 3-4 hours. It takes the metabolism 4 hours to calm down after eating, so eating when it is on its way down will boost it back up again!

HOWEVER! Don't eat in between these times because the digestive system will still be working on the last thing you ate, meaning the new food will stay in your body longer. If anything, you want it to digest quicker so less calories are absorbed!

Hope this helped, my lovelies!

Stay Strong
Think Thin
Be Beautiful

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Thinspirational Quotes and Pics!

You are not a dog. Do not reward yourself with food.

Better SORE than SORRY.

Eat for the body you want, not the body you have.

A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips.

Fat is dirty. Fat is a PARASITE!

If it tastes too good, its trying to kill you.

Greed begins where need ends.

Suck it up now, and you won't have to suck it in later.

Unless you puke, faint, or die, keep going.

You can do this!

Stay Strong
Think Thin
Be Beautiful

PS. Don't forget to check out Nikkii's Blog!

Monday, 18 February 2013

Progress so far!!

Right, since I've been giving you lovely folks tips for a while now, I thought I'd prove to you that they work. Here is a series of photos of me. The first section are from January 2nd 2013, 153lb.

 And the second section are from today, 138 lb.

It does work, I've done it! and I'm going to continue til I'm happy!

Stay Strong
Think Thin
Be Beautiful

New tip, and daily progress!

Today, i managed to keep under 700 calories, and today is an 800 calorie day!
First thing i ate was nutrigrain breakfast biscuits, but i ate one every 2 hours rather than all at once - 189 calories.
For dinner, i had a packet of hula hoop crisps - 125 calories.
For tea I had a packet of ringos, 126 calories.
Also had a bottle of diet coke, 1 calorie, and 2 coffees, 1 and a half sugars and 10ml of milk each time, 25 calories per. -51 calories total.
Snack after tea was 3 digestive biscuits, 175 calories
Daily total: 667

Ringos 30p crisps from the corner shop, a 25g bag is about 126 calories, but its enough to fill a normal sized bowl because they are so light, and they taste really good! Definitely try these if you miss savory foods!

Also, for more tips and thinspo, check out Nikkii's Blog!

Stay Strong
Think Thin
Be Beautiful

Sunday, 17 February 2013

This week's Thinspo!

Cos I haven't been around,there's a whole lot of thinspo for you lovely ladies :) Enjoy!

OMGSorry! Tips For The Week

Hi guys, I'm sorry I haven't updated in so long! I've been pretty busy, my boyfriend's mother (Who is like a mum to me) has been in and out of hospital, so I've been making sure the lads actually survive.
Good news and bad news: 
Good news, I have plenty of tips
More good news, i have lost 3 inches on my stomach and can see my ribcages(not individual ribs, but its a start)
Bad news, I've gone back up to 138lb, not sure how, cos I've definitely dropped in size, I didn't even struggle to get into Daniel's jeans! Maybe it's just muscle... I don't know...

Anyway, Top Tips for this week are:

1. Peppermints / Peppermint Oil
My new-found love! I'm not even kidding, suck a peppermint or two, or take peppermint oil supplements every 3-4 hours, and you don't feel hungry at all!! 

2. Nutrigrain Breakfast biscuits
Another new love, there's four in a pack and each pack is 186 calories. I know what you're thinking, that's a lot, but hear me out. Each one is as filling as eating two digestives, cos if you take small bites and chew for long enough, it feels like there is more there! This also helps with keeping your metabolism high because if you eat one of the biscuits for breakfast, then one between breakfast and lunch, one for lunch, one between lunch and dinner, then a low calorie dinner, you could easily keep your metabolism running on full for fewer calories!

3. Carry something around a lot
You know how heavy people (20st+) tend to lose weight faster than those at say 9st? Thats because the heavier you are, the more calories you burn. if you're going for a run, get wrist and ankle weights. These will tone your muscles, and when you tot up your calories, add the weight of the weights on top of your weight. God I said weight a lot there!!

4. Get Dirty
If you have an already sexual relationship, it may interest you to know that a 20 minute session in the bedroom can burn an average of 250 calories! However, don't do it unless you feel ready and comfortable doing so, and don't just do it for the calories girls!

5. Sleep!
Get at least 8 hours of sleep a night - for every hour less, your appetite will increase by 10%, and that's not good!!!

Stay Strong
Think Thin
Be Beautiful
L x